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Energy Vampires

I’m addicted to podcasts. They’re short, to-the-point and easy to access, boiling the meat of the subject matter down to the average attention span.

Karen Brody’s Daring to Rest podcast, where she interviews Dr. Christiane Northrup about her new book, Dodging Energy Vampires, is a must-listen-to-immediately broadcast. Especially for women.

Energy vampires do precisely what their name implies. They siphon another person’s energy to use for themselves, leaving their target empty, exhausted and literally sick. They know what they’re doing, and they do it because it’s been proven to work in their favor time and time again.

Dr. Northrup discusses new “mystery illnesses,” prevalent today, stating that 80 percent of women have chronic inflammation or some variation of an autoimmune disease. Inflammatory relationships can cause chronic inflammation of the mysterious sort. We have the power to change this by learning to protect the energetic field around us.

Do you have an energy vampire in your life?

Podcast: Sharing here for your daily dose of wellness

Lynda Hatcher is author of the book, Mothering Addiction.

Mothering Addiction: A parent’s story of heartache, healing, and keeping the door open– by Linda Harrison Hatcher. Lynda’s website.

In Mothering Addiction, Lynda Harrison Hatcher tells a heart-wrenching story of her turbulent journey as the mother of a child who desperately struggled with heroin addiction–a story of the daily tests, constant trials, and unending tribulations of raising a son whose life has derailed by drugs.

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DOPESICK by Virginia journalist and author Beth Macy released in early August to praise for her investigative and in-depth look at the birthplace of the opioid crisis – Appalachia – and the dealers, doctors and drug company that addicted America. “On remembering each death is a tragedy: ‘We lost 72,000 people last year — up 10 percent from the year before. And every one of those 72,000 people and their family members and their friends, that’s a tragedy.

This is an unprecedented level of a drug epidemic, and we really need a comprehensive model to mitigate it. … I think we just have to have leadership at the state, at the local, at the federal level of a big scale and intensity.’” ‘Dopesick’ is next on my reading list. #motheringaddiction #dopesick


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Emotionally Naked Review

Thank you to Anne Moss Rogers for her “Mothering Addiction” review

I am catching up on my reading since writing my own book. This one was on my list and it’s a page turner.

Lynda is emotionally naked, revealing the cracks in her marriage, her family, and her own mental health along the way. Watching our loved ones self-destruct is agonizing and while our journeys are never identical, we can relate to the stories of others. And this one is definitely relatable.

I found myself wanting to be part of her “book club,” the group of friends who had children mired in the struggle of addiction and how they supported and were there for one another.  I tried desperately to create my own group of intimate support but it never worked out which was devastating to me. Thankfully, I found a Families Anonymous group that pulled me through.

What Lynda does really well is help us understand, through her story, how to find your way to detach with love–separate yourself from the chaos of a child’s addiction and to lead your own life because their journey is not our journey. How ugly that journey is. How long, hard, difficult and painful.

Not to mention the guilt of feeling like that child is being abandoned. And how many times Lynda faltered or relapsed along the way, succumbing to the agony and just checking out emotionally because she couldn’t take it any longer. How many times have many of us felt that way?

Sam is the son who suffers from Substance Use Disorder, showing signs of impulse control early, one of the four traits identified as predisposing kids to addiction. Like many of us, we see those signs and struggle to keep things on track and find a place where our child fits, realizing that’s nowhere. Or nowhere cheap or close by. How other’s achieving children and the sage advice delivered by those parents prickles   and validates feelings of our own parental inadequacy.

You see how it effects the sibling, often silent sufferers who try to be “good” to balance out the chaos and can suffer their own issues as a result.

She reveals the parts of her marriage that were brushed under the rug,  and how the stress of and friction of a major disorder intensified those issues, sharpening the wedge that drove a dividing line between her and her husband. And how challenging it is to co-parent a child with SUD and how two parents are almost never on the same page.

The book is a memoir that incorporates a message of personal growth and hope while not departing from reality by delivering an unrealistic lollipop land ending.

Overall, this is a worthy read. And I think our stories are important so I hope you’ll share and support this author and her work.


Anne Moss Rogers


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The Ache of Addiction

I am honored to be participating in “The Ache of Addiction” Lenten Speaker Series at St. James’s Church in Richmond, VA. on Monday, March 19 at 6:00 pm.
The Reverend Dr. D. Mark Cooper, Priest Associate at St. James’s wrote an exceptional blog post in October after reading Mothering Addiction, begging the question for himself as a clergy member:
“How can I be more open to the pain that is perhaps right in front of me and yet so well hidden that it goes unattended? How can our community invite people to be more transparent and if we could, can we find ways to be supportive?”
I invite you to visit Dr. Cooper’s website for more inspiration: http://www.markcooperauthor.com/mothering-addiction-by-lynda-harrison-hatcher/